# Copyright (C) 2020 NumS Development Team.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import itertools
from typing import Tuple, Iterator
import numpy as np
import scipy.special
from nums.core.settings import np_ufunc_map
from nums.core.array.errors import AxisError
# pylint: disable = no-member, trailing-whitespace
[docs]def to_dtype_cls(dtype):
if hasattr(dtype, "__name__"):
return dtype
return np.__getattribute__(str(dtype))
[docs]def get_uop_output_type(op_name, dtype):
a = np.array(1, dtype=dtype)
result_dtype = np.__getattribute__(op_name)(a).dtype
return to_dtype_cls(result_dtype)
[docs]def get_bop_output_type(op_name, dtype_a, dtype_b):
a = np.array(1, dtype=dtype_a)
b = np.array(2, dtype=dtype_b)
op_name = np_ufunc_map.get(op_name, op_name)
dtype = np.__getattribute__(op_name)(a, b).dtype
return to_dtype_cls(dtype)
except TypeError as err:
raise err
except Exception as _:
dtype = scipy.special.__getattribute__(op_name)(a, b).dtype
return to_dtype_cls(dtype)
[docs]def is_index_subscript(val):
return is_int(val) or is_uint(val)
[docs]def is_regular_subscript(val):
return isinstance(val, slice) or is_index_subscript(val)
[docs]def is_scalar(val):
return is_supported(val)
[docs]def is_supported(val, type_test=False):
return (
is_bool(val, type_test)
or is_uint(val, type_test)
or is_int(val, type_test)
or is_float(val, type_test)
or is_complex(val, type_test)
[docs]def is_bool(val, type_test=False):
return is_type(type_test, val, (bool, np.bool_))
[docs]def is_uint(val, type_test=False):
return is_type(type_test, val, (np.uint, np.uint8, np.uint16, np.uint32, np.uint64))
[docs]def is_int(val, type_test=False):
return is_type(type_test, val, (int, np.int8, np.int16, np.int32, np.int64))
[docs]def is_float(val, type_test=False):
return is_type(type_test, val, (float, np.float16, np.float32, np.float64))
[docs]def is_complex(val, type_test=False):
return is_type(type_test, val, (np.complex64, np.complex128))
[docs]def is_type(type_test, val, types):
return val in types if type_test else isinstance(val, types)
[docs]def get_reduce_output_type(op_name, dtype):
a = np.array([0, 1], dtype=dtype)
dtype = np.__getattribute__(op_name)(a).dtype
return np.__getattribute__(str(dtype))
[docs]def shape_from_block_array(arr: np.ndarray):
grid_shape = arr.shape
num_axes = len(arr.shape)
shape = np.zeros(num_axes, dtype=int)
for j in range(num_axes):
pos = [[0]] * num_axes
pos[j] = range(grid_shape[j])
j_iter = list(itertools.product(*pos))
for j_access in j_iter:
shape[j] += arr[j_access].shape[j]
return tuple(shape)
[docs]def broadcast(a_shape, b_shape):
a_view = np.lib.stride_tricks.broadcast_to(0, a_shape)
b_view = np.lib.stride_tricks.broadcast_to(0, b_shape)
return np.broadcast(a_view, b_view)
[docs]def broadcast_block_shape(a_shape, b_shape, a_block_shape):
# Starting from last block shape dim and
# map each shape dim to block shape dim as already defined,
# and for the rest of dims, set block shape to 1.
result_shape = broadcast(a_shape, b_shape).shape
result_block_shape = []
a_block_shape_r = list(reversed(a_block_shape))
for i, _ in enumerate(reversed(result_shape)):
if i < len(a_block_shape_r):
return tuple(reversed(result_block_shape))
[docs]def broadcast_shape(a_shape, b_shape):
return broadcast(a_shape, b_shape).shape
[docs]def can_broadcast_shapes(a_shape, b_shape):
assert broadcast_shape(a_shape, b_shape) is not None
return True
except ValueError as _:
return False
[docs]def broadcastable(a_shape, b_shape, a_block_shape, b_block_shape):
if a_shape == b_shape:
return a_block_shape == b_block_shape
result_shape = broadcast_shape(a_shape, b_shape)
if result_shape is None:
return False
min_bs, max_bs = sorted([a_block_shape, b_block_shape], key=len)
for i in range(-1, -len(max_bs) - 1, -1):
if -len(min_bs) - 1 < i:
if (
a_block_shape[i] != b_block_shape[i]
and a_block_shape[i] != 1
and b_block_shape[i] != 1
return False
return True
[docs]def is_1d(shape):
_shape = [i for i in shape if i != 1]
return len(_shape) == 1
[docs]def broadcast_shape_to(from_shape, to_shape):
# Enforce broadcasting rules from an
# array of references to 0 with shape from_shape.
from_view = np.lib.stride_tricks.broadcast_to(0, from_shape)
return np.lib.stride_tricks.broadcast_to(from_view, to_shape)
[docs]def can_broadcast_shape_to(from_shape, to_shape):
# See: https://numpy.org/devdocs/user/theory.broadcasting.html
broadcast_shape_to(from_shape, to_shape)
return True
except ValueError as _:
return False
[docs]def broadcast_shape_to_alt(from_shape, to_shape):
# This is heavily tested with shapes up to length 5.
from_num_axes = len(from_shape)
to_num_axes = len(to_shape)
result_shape = []
if to_num_axes < from_num_axes:
raise ValueError(
"Input shape has more dimensions than allowed by the axis remapping."
if to_num_axes == 0 and from_shape != 0:
raise ValueError("Cannot broadcast non-scalar shape to scalar shape ().")
from_shape_r = list(reversed(from_shape))
to_shape_r = list(reversed(to_shape))
for i, from_dim in enumerate(from_shape_r):
to_dim = to_shape_r[i]
if from_dim == 1:
elif to_dim == from_dim:
raise ValueError(
"Cannot broadcast %s to %s." % (str(from_shape), str(to_shape))
return tuple(reversed(result_shape + to_shape_r[from_num_axes:]))
[docs]def is_array_like(obj):
return isinstance(obj, (tuple, list, np.ndarray))
[docs]def block_shape_from_subscript(subscript: tuple, block_shape: tuple):
new_block_shape = []
for i, obj in enumerate(subscript):
if isinstance(obj, slice):
elif is_regular_subscript(obj):
raise NotImplementedError("No support for advanced indexing.")
return tuple(new_block_shape)
[docs]def get_slices(total_size, batch_size, order, reverse_blocks=False):
assert order in (-1, 1)
if order > 0:
if reverse_blocks:
result = list(reversed(list(range(total_size, 0, -batch_size)) + [0]))
result = list(range(0, total_size, batch_size)) + [total_size]
return list(map(lambda s: slice(*s, order), zip(*(result[:-1], result[1:]))))
if reverse_blocks:
# If reverse order blocks are not multiples of axis dimension,
# then the last block is smaller than block size and should be
# the first block.
result = list(reversed(list(range(-total_size - 1, -1, batch_size)) + [-1]))
result = list(range(-1, -total_size - 1, -batch_size)) + [-total_size - 1]
return list(map(lambda s: slice(*s, order), zip(*(result[:-1], result[1:]))))
[docs]class OrderedGrid:
def __init__(
self, shape: Tuple, block_shape: Tuple, order: Tuple, block_order=None
if block_order is not None:
assert len(block_order) == len(shape)
self.shape = tuple(shape)
self.block_shape = tuple(np.min([shape, block_shape], axis=0))
self.order = tuple(order)
self.grid_shape = []
self.grid_slices = []
for i in range(len(self.shape)):
dim = self.shape[i]
block_dim = block_shape[i]
axis_order = order[i]
reverse_blocks = False
if block_order is not None:
reverse_blocks = block_order[i] == -1
axis_slices = get_slices(dim, block_dim, axis_order, reverse_blocks)
self.grid_shape = tuple(self.grid_shape)
# Assumes C-style ordering.
# We add len(shape) to allow for axis consisting of the actual slices.
self.slices = np.array(
list(itertools.product(*self.grid_slices)), dtype=slice
).reshape(tuple(list(self.grid_shape) + [len(shape)]))
[docs] def index_iterator(self) -> Iterator[Tuple]:
if 0 in self.shape:
return []
return itertools.product(*map(range, self.grid_shape))
[docs]def idx2addr(index: tuple, shape: tuple):
strides = [np.product(shape[i:]) for i in range(1, len(shape))] + [1]
addr: int = sum(np.array(index) * strides)
return addr
[docs]def addr2idx(addr: int, shape: tuple):
strides = [np.product(shape[i:]) for i in range(1, len(shape))] + [1]
index = []
val = addr
for i in range(len(strides)):
stride = strides[i]
axis_index = int(val / stride)
val %= stride
return tuple(index)
[docs]def slice_sel_to_index_list(slice_selection: tuple):
slice_ranges = []
for slice_or_index in slice_selection:
if isinstance(slice_or_index, slice):
slice_ranges.append(list(range(slice_or_index.start, slice_or_index.stop)))
elif is_regular_subscript(slice_or_index):
index_list = list(itertools.product(*slice_ranges))
return index_list
[docs]def translate_index_list(from_index_list, from_shape, to_shape):
to_index_list = []
for src_index in from_index_list:
addr = idx2addr(src_index, from_shape)
to_index_list.append(addr2idx(addr, to_shape))
return to_index_list
[docs]def np_tensordot_param_test(as_, nda, bs, ndb, axes):
# Error checking before everything gets passed into BlockArray operations. Modified from the
# original NumPy tensordot method for error checking:
# https://github.com/numpy/numpy/blob/v1.20.0/numpy/core/numeric.py#L949-L1139
except Exception:
axes_a = list(range(-axes, 0))
axes_b = list(range(0, axes))
axes_a, axes_b = axes
na = len(axes_a)
axes_a = list(axes_a)
except TypeError:
axes_a = [axes_a]
na = 1
nb = len(axes_b)
axes_b = list(axes_b)
except TypeError:
axes_b = [axes_b]
nb = 1
equal = True
if na != nb:
equal = False
for k in range(na):
if as_[axes_a[k]] != bs[axes_b[k]]:
equal = False
if axes_a[k] < 0:
axes_a[k] += nda
if axes_b[k] < 0:
axes_b[k] += ndb
if not equal:
return True
return False
# NumPy's internal axis-checking logic
# https://www.kite.com/python/docs/numpy.core.multiarray.normalize_axis_index
[docs]def normalize_axis_index(axis, ndim):
axis : int
The un-normalized index of the axis. Can be negative
ndim : int
The number of dimensions of the array that `axis` should be normalized
normalized_axis : int
The normalized axis index, such that `0 <= normalized_axis < ndim`
If the axis index is invalid, when `-ndim <= axis < ndim` is false.
>>> normalize_axis_index(0, ndim=3)
>>> normalize_axis_index(1, ndim=3)
>>> normalize_axis_index(-1, ndim=3)
>>> normalize_axis_index(3, ndim=3)
Traceback (most recent call last):
AxisError: axis 3 is out of bounds for array of dimension 3
>>> normalize_axis_index(-4, ndim=3, msg_prefix='axes_arg')
Traceback (most recent call last):
AxisError: axes_arg: axis -4 is out of bounds for array of dimension 3
if -ndim > axis >= ndim:
raise AxisError(
"axis {} is out of bounds for array of dimension {}".format(axis, ndim)
return axis % ndim