# Copyright (C) 2020 NumS Development Team.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from typing import List, Tuple, Union
import numpy as np
import nums.core.array.utils as array_utils
[docs]def get_array_order(array, axis=0):
# An axis is ordered if all diffs have same sign, and no diffs of 0 (no repetitions).
if array.shape[axis] == 1:
if array[axis] >= 0:
return 1
return -1
diffs = np.diff(array, axis=axis)
if np.all(diffs > 0):
return 1
elif np.all(diffs < 0):
return -1
# Order is undefined.
return 0
[docs]def is_advanced_selection(subscript: tuple):
assert isinstance(subscript, tuple)
num_ordered_arrays = 0
num_indexes = 0
for obj in subscript:
if array_utils.is_array_like(obj):
if isinstance(obj, np.ndarray):
array = obj
# TODO (hme): This is inefficient.
array = np.array(obj, dtype=int)
if len(array.shape) > 1:
return True
elif get_array_order(array, axis=0) == 0:
return True
num_ordered_arrays += 1
elif array_utils.is_index_subscript(obj):
num_indexes += 1
if num_ordered_arrays > 1:
return True
if num_ordered_arrays == 1:
# In this case, indexes is considered an advanced index.
return num_indexes > 0
# We can compute ordered arrays fast, so don't consider ordered arrays as advanced.
return False
[docs]def pos_step_slice_to_range(n, start_bound, stop_bound):
if n < 0:
n += stop_bound - start_bound
n = np.clip(n, start_bound, stop_bound)
return n
[docs]def neg_step_slice_to_range(n, start_bound, stop_bound):
# Any start, stop above (start_bound - stop_bound)
# is outside the bounds of the slice parameters
# for backward steps.
if 0 <= n:
n -= start_bound - stop_bound
# Similar to positive steps,
# any start, stop below the stop bounds is clipped for negative steps.
n = np.clip(n, stop_bound, start_bound)
return n
[docs]def trim_slice_bounds(s: slice, size: int):
start, stop, step = s.start, s.stop, s.step
if step is None or step > 0:
start_bound = 0
stop_bound = size
if start is None:
start = start_bound
if stop is None:
stop = stop_bound
# For positive steps, clip between -size and size, and compute size + n if n is < 0.
# For positive slice parameters, Python slice semantics always clip stop by size,
# so it makes sense to do the same in the negative direction.
# We end up with start, stop >= 0 after adding size to n after clipping.
# This matches NumPy's slice semantics for positive steps because
# we simply select a sequence of elements in the forward direction.
start = pos_step_slice_to_range(start, start_bound, stop_bound)
stop = pos_step_slice_to_range(stop, start_bound, stop_bound)
elif step < 0:
# For negative steps, the start bound is -1,
# and the stop bound is -size-1. The stop bound is offset by -1
# to match a start bound of -1, so that the maximum number of items
# touched is at most size == start_bound - stop_bound == -1 - (-size - 1).
start_bound = -1
stop_bound = -size - 1
if start is None:
start = start_bound
if stop is None:
stop = stop_bound
start = neg_step_slice_to_range(start, start_bound, stop_bound)
stop = neg_step_slice_to_range(stop, start_bound, stop_bound)
raise ValueError("A step of 0 is invalid.")
return slice(start, stop, step)
[docs]def slice_to_range(s: slice, size: int):
st = trim_slice_bounds(s, size)
return np.arange(st.start, st.stop, st.step)
[docs]class AxisSelection:
[docs] def is_empty(self):
raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def selector(self):
raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def shape(self):
raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def order(self):
raise NotImplementedError()
[docs]class AxisSlice(AxisSelection):
[docs] @classmethod
def from_size(cls, size: int, s: Union[slice, None] = None):
if s is None:
s = slice(None, None, None)
st = trim_slice_bounds(s, size)
return cls(st.start, st.stop, st.step)
def __init__(
self, start: Union[int, None], stop: Union[int, None], step: Union[int, None]
self.start = start
self.stop = stop
self.step = step
[docs] def is_empty(self):
if self.order() > 0:
return self.stop <= self.start
return self.start <= self.stop
[docs] def selector(self):
return self.to_slice()
[docs] def to_slice(self):
return slice(self.start, self.stop, self.step)
[docs] def shape(self):
if self.step is None or self.step > 0:
step_mag = 1 if self.step is None else abs(self.step)
interval = max(0, self.stop - self.start)
step_mag = abs(self.step)
interval = max(0, self.start - self.stop)
if interval == 0:
return (0,)
if step_mag == 1:
return (interval,)
if step_mag > interval:
return (1,)
# TODO (hme): Make this faster by not instantiating a range.
return slice_to_range(slice(0, interval, step_mag), interval).shape
[docs] def order(self):
return np.sign(1 if self.step is None else self.step)
[docs]class AxisIndex(AxisSelection):
[docs] @classmethod
def from_index(cls, index: int, size: int):
if 0 <= index < size:
elif -size <= index < 0:
index = pos_step_slice_to_range(index, 0, size)
raise IndexError("Index %d is out of bounds for size %d" % (index, size))
return cls(index)
def __init__(self, index: int):
self.index = index
[docs] def to_index(self):
return self.index
[docs] def selector(self):
return self.to_index()
[docs] def is_empty(self):
# Index can never be empty.
return False
[docs] def shape(self):
return ()
[docs] def order(self):
return np.sign(self.index)
[docs]class AxisArray(AxisSelection):
# See https://numpy.org/doc/stable/reference/arrays.indexing.html#integer-array-indexing
def __init__(self, array_like):
if isinstance(array_like, np.ndarray):
assert array_like.dtype.kind == "i" or array_like.dtype.kind == "b"
arr: np.ndarray = array_like
# Must infer type.
is_bool = True
for entry in array_like:
if not (
array_utils.is_index_subscript(entry) or array_utils.is_bool(entry)
raise Exception("Only integer or boolean arrays are valid indices.")
if array_utils.is_index_subscript(entry):
is_bool = False
arr: np.ndarray = np.array(array_like, dtype=(bool if is_bool else np.intp))
self.array = arr
[docs] def is_empty(self):
return len(self.array) == 0
[docs] def selector(self):
return self.array
[docs] def shape(self):
return self.array.shape
[docs] def order(self):
return get_array_order(self.array)
[docs]class AxisEmpty(AxisSelection):
[docs] def selector(self):
return slice(0, 0, None)
[docs] def is_empty(self):
return True
[docs] def shape(self):
return (0,)
[docs] def order(self):
return 0
[docs]class BasicSelection:
[docs] @classmethod
def from_shape(cls, shape: Tuple):
return cls.from_subscript(shape, (...,))
[docs] @classmethod
def block_selection(
cls, shape: Tuple, block_shape: Tuple, order=None, block_order=None
if order is None:
order = tuple([1] * len(shape))
grid = array_utils.OrderedGrid(
shape=shape, block_shape=block_shape, order=order, block_order=block_order
selection_grid = np.empty(grid.grid_shape, dtype=cls)
for index in grid.index_iterator():
slices: Tuple[slice] = tuple(grid.slices[index])
# This must be shape, since slices are bounded by shape.
selection_grid[index] = cls.from_subscript(shape, slices)
return selection_grid
[docs] @classmethod
def from_subscript(cls, shape: Tuple, subscript: Tuple):
axis_sels: List[AxisSelection] = []
contains_ellipsis = False
contains_array = False
i = 0
for axis_ss in subscript:
if axis_ss is Ellipsis:
if contains_ellipsis:
raise ValueError("Subscripts may contain at most 1 ellipsis.")
contains_ellipsis = True
ellipsis_length = len(shape) - (len(subscript) - 1)
for j in list(range(i, i + ellipsis_length)):
# We instantiate a list, so okay to modify i.
i += 1
elif array_utils.is_index_subscript(axis_ss):
axis_sels.append(AxisIndex.from_index(axis_ss, shape[i]))
i += 1
elif isinstance(axis_ss, slice):
axis_sels.append(AxisSlice.from_size(shape[i], axis_ss))
i += 1
elif isinstance(axis_ss, (list, tuple, np.ndarray)):
if contains_array:
raise ValueError(
"%s may contain at most 1 array." % BasicSelection.__name__
contains_array = True
axis_array = AxisArray(axis_ss)
if len(axis_array.array.shape) > 1:
raise ValueError(
"%s does not support multi-axis"
" arrays." % BasicSelection.__name__
if axis_array.array.dtype.kind == "i" and np.any(
axis_array.array >= shape[i]
raise ValueError("Some indices exceed dimension of axis.")
if get_array_order(axis_array.array, axis=0) == 0:
# The sequence must be monotonic with strict order.
raise ValueError(
"Input array cannot be interpreted as ordered set."
i += 1
raise Exception(
"Unknown subscript type %s for axis %d." % (type(axis_ss), i)
while len(axis_sels) < len(shape):
size = shape[len(axis_sels)]
# Select rest of axes.
assert len(axis_sels) <= len(
), "More objects in selection tuple than axes in array."
return BasicSelection(tuple(axis_sels), shape)
def __init__(self, axes: Tuple[AxisSelection], shape: tuple):
self.axes = axes
self.shape = shape
# Compute this lazily.
self._output_shape = None
[docs] def get_broadcastable_shape(self):
oshape = []
for axis in self.axes:
axis_shape = axis.shape()
if len(axis_shape) == 0:
elif len(axis_shape) == 1:
oshape = oshape + list(axis_shape)
raise ValueError("Invalid axis shape %s" % str(axis_shape))
return tuple(oshape)
[docs] def get_broadcastable_block_shape(self, partial_block_shape):
# Construct a block shape equal in length to this selection's shape.
# In what follows, a dimension is "empty" if the axis selector is an integer.
# Starting from the last axis,
# the resulting block shape is constructed as follows:
# - If this dim is non-empty and partial is non-empty, emit partial's dimension.
# - If this dim is non-empty and partial is empty, emit 1.
# - If this dim is empty and partial is non-empty, then emit 1 if partial is 1.
# - If this dim is empty and partial is empty, then emit 1.
# All else raises an exception.
# Partial may be longer than this shape, so long as the starting axis dims are 1.
obs = []
partial_len = len(partial_block_shape)
sel_len = len(self.axes)
# Maintain separate indices. We don't decrement partial if we encounter an empty dim.
j = -1
for i in range(-1, -sel_len - 1, -1):
axis_shape = self.axes[i].shape()
if len(axis_shape) == 0:
obs.insert(0, 1)
elif len(axis_shape) == 1:
if j < -partial_len:
# The rest of the axes have to be empty or of dimension 1.
assert axis_shape[0] == 1
obs.insert(0, 1)
obs.insert(0, partial_block_shape[j])
j -= 1
raise ValueError("Invalid axis shape %s" % str(axis_shape))
for k in range(j, -partial_len - 1, -1):
assert partial_block_shape[k] == 1
return obs
[docs] def get_output_shape(self, include_indexes=False):
if self._output_shape is None or include_indexes:
oshape = []
for axis in self.axes:
axis_shape = axis.shape()
if len(axis_shape) == 0:
if include_indexes:
elif len(axis_shape) == 1:
oshape = oshape + list(axis_shape)
raise ValueError("Invalid axis shape %s" % str(axis_shape))
if include_indexes:
# Never store output shape that includes indexes.
return tuple(oshape)
self._output_shape = tuple(oshape)
return self._output_shape
[docs] def order(self):
return np.array([axis.order() for axis in self.axes], dtype=np.intp)
[docs] def is_empty(self):
for i in range(len(self.axes)):
axis: AxisSelection = self.axes[i]
if axis.is_empty():
return True
return False
[docs] def selector(self):
sel = []
for i in range(len(self.axes)):
if isinstance(self[i], AxisEmpty):
sel.append(slice(0, 0))
return tuple(sel)
[docs] def position(self, compute_stop=False):
return Position.from_selection(self, compute_stop)
[docs] def basic_steps(self):
for item in self.axes:
if isinstance(item, AxisSlice):
if item.step not in (None, 1):
return False
return True
[docs] def is_aligned(self, block_shape):
start_pos: Position = self.position()
stop_pos: Position = self.position(compute_stop=True)
assert len(start_pos.value) == len(block_shape)
aligned = True
output_shape = self.get_output_shape(include_indexes=True)
for i in range(len(start_pos.value)):
start_aligned = (start_pos.value[i] % block_shape[i]) == 0
shape_aligned = (output_shape[i] % block_shape[i]) == 0
stop_aligned = stop_pos.value[i] == self.shape[i]
# Check that (self - pos).get_output_shape() % block_shape == 0
# OR self.end() == self.shape, which means the last block
# may not be the same shape as block_shape.
# In the latter case, when using this method to do a reference
# copy it's enough for the block shapes to be equal,
# because the source/destination shapes are broadcasted
# at the block-level.
# If all conditions are met for each axis, then the selection is block-aligned
# with the provided block shape. This assumes the provided block shape
# is associated with the shape originally provided to this selection.
aligned = aligned and start_aligned and (shape_aligned or stop_aligned)
if not aligned:
return False
return True
def __repr__(self):
return str(self.selector())
def __getitem__(self, item):
assert array_utils.is_index_subscript(item)
return self.axes[item]
def __or__(self, other):
# Union.
raise NotImplementedError()
def __xor__(self, other):
# Union - intersection.
raise NotImplementedError()
def __and__(self, other):
# We think of each axis of a selection as a partially ordered set.
# The intersection of axis selectors preserve partial order.
# The notion of intersection over selection operations
# preserves
result_axes: List[AxisSelection] = []
result_shape: List[int] = []
assert len(self.axes) == len(other.axes)
for i in range(len(self.axes)):
self_axis, other_axis = self.axes[i], other.axes[i]
self_size, other_size = self.shape[i], other.shape[i]
result_shape.append(min(self_size, other_size))
if isinstance(self_axis, AxisSlice) and isinstance(other_axis, AxisSlice):
self._slice_and_slice(self_axis, other_axis, self_size, other_size)
elif isinstance(self_axis, AxisIndex) and isinstance(other_axis, AxisIndex):
if self_axis.index == other_axis.index:
result_axis: AxisIndex = AxisIndex(self_axis.index)
result_axis: AxisEmpty = AxisEmpty()
elif isinstance(self_axis, AxisArray) and isinstance(other_axis, AxisArray):
result_axis: AxisArray = self._array_and_array(self_axis, other_axis)
if len(result_axis.array.shape) != 1:
raise Exception(
"Unexpected output shape length "
"of %d for array intersection." % len(result_axis.array.shape)
elif isinstance(self_axis, AxisEmpty) or isinstance(other_axis, AxisEmpty):
elif isinstance(self_axis, AxisIndex) or isinstance(other_axis, AxisIndex):
# If one of the operands is an index, then the intersection is simple.
# The result must be an index.
res: AxisArray = self._array_and_array(
self._to_array_axis(self_axis, self_size),
self._to_array_axis(other_axis, other_size),
assert len(res.array) <= 1
if len(res.array) == 1:
elif isinstance(self_axis, AxisArray) or isinstance(other_axis, AxisArray):
# If one of the operands is an array,
# then the resulting intersection must be an array.
self._to_array_axis(self_axis, self_size),
self._to_array_axis(other_axis, other_size),
# This should be impossible, since we've dealt with all potential mixed types.
raise NotImplementedError("Operation not supported.")
return BasicSelection(tuple(result_axes), tuple(result_shape))
def _to_array_axis(self, anything: AxisSelection, size):
if isinstance(anything, AxisSlice):
return AxisArray(slice_to_range(anything.to_slice(), size))
elif isinstance(anything, AxisIndex):
return AxisArray([anything.index])
elif isinstance(anything, AxisEmpty):
return AxisArray([])
assert isinstance(anything, AxisArray)
return anything
def _slice_and_slice(self, a: AxisSlice, b: AxisSlice, a_size, b_size):
a_step = 1 if a.step is None else a.step
b_step = 1 if b.step is None else b.step
if a_step == 1 and b_step == 1:
start = b.start if a.start < b.start else a.start
stop = a.stop if a.stop < b.stop else b.stop
step = None if a.step is None and b.step is None else 1
elif (a_step < 0 < b_step) or (b_step < 0 < a_step):
# Steps running in opposite directions.
# Based on intersection of partial orders, the order is undefined.
start, stop, step = 0, 0, None
elif 0 < a_step and 0 < b_step:
assert a.start >= 0 and b.start >= 0 and a.stop >= 0 and b.stop >= 0
# TODO(hme): Optimize this by avoiding array instantiation.
arr = self._array_and_array(
self._to_array_axis(a, a_size), self._to_array_axis(b, b_size)
if arr.array.size == 0:
start, stop, step = 0, 0, None
steps = np.diff(arr.array)
if steps.size == 0:
# Occurs only if one item is selected.
# This could be from same start value,
# or slice(0, 4, 3)
# slice(1, 4, 2),
# or slice(0, 10, 3)
# slice(2, 10, 2).
# The safe thing to do is set step large enough
# so that the resulting slice only selects
# the first value.
start = int(arr.array[0])
stop = min(a.stop, b.stop)
step = stop
# Steps should be all eq.
assert not np.any(np.diff(steps))
step = int(steps[0])
start = int(arr.array[0])
stop = min(a.stop, b.stop)
elif a_step < 0 and b_step < 0:
assert a.start < 0 and b.start < 0 and a.stop < 0 and b.stop < 0
arr = self._array_and_array(
self._to_array_axis(a, a_size), self._to_array_axis(b, b_size)
if arr.array.size == 0:
start, stop, step = 0, 0, None
steps = np.diff(arr.array)
if steps.size == 0:
# Same logic as with positive steps.
start = int(arr.array[0])
stop = max(a.stop, b.stop)
step = stop
# Steps should be all eq.
assert not np.any(np.diff(steps))
start = int(arr.array[0])
stop = max(a.stop, b.stop)
step = int(steps[0])
raise Exception("Impossible.")
return AxisSlice(start, stop, step)
def _array_and_array(self, a: AxisArray, b: AxisArray):
return AxisArray(self._np_array_and_array(a.array, b.array))
def _get_order(self, arr: np.ndarray):
assert len(arr.shape) == 1
order = get_array_order(arr, axis=0)
if order == 0:
# Includes diffs containing 0,
# which imply repetitions.
# This is not allowed for basic selection.
raise ValueError("Input array cannot be interpreted as ordered set.")
return order
def _np_array_and_array(self, a: np.ndarray, b: np.ndarray):
# We can only support intersection of single-axis arrays,
# which we interpret as ordered sets.
# Consider intersection of a matrix. We may have rows of
# different shape.
a_order, b_order = self._get_order(a), self._get_order(b)
if a_order != b_order:
# Such an order exists, but the order
# is undefined for elements x,y \in S,
# where x \neq y.
# For our purposes, this is undefined.
return np.array([], dtype=np.intp)
return np.sort(np.array(list(set(a) & set(b)), dtype=np.intp))[
:: np.sign(a_order)
[docs]class AdvancedSelection:
# Allow mixture of slices and advanced indexing.
# Will require some basic intersection operations,
# but not as general as BasicSelection.
def __init__(self):
raise NotImplementedError()
[docs]class Position:
[docs] @classmethod
def from_selection(cls, sel: BasicSelection, compute_stop=False):
shape_dim = len(sel.shape)
value: np.ndarray = np.empty(shape_dim, dtype=np.intp)
for i in range(shape_dim):
axsel: AxisSelection = sel[i]
if isinstance(sel[i], AxisSlice):
axsel: AxisSlice = sel[i]
value[i] = axsel.stop if compute_stop else axsel.start
elif isinstance(sel[i], AxisIndex):
axsel: AxisIndex = sel[i]
value[i] = axsel.index
elif isinstance(sel[i], AxisArray):
axsel: AxisArray = sel[i]
if compute_stop:
value[i] = (
max(axsel.array) if axsel.order() > 0 else min(axsel.array)
value[i] = (
min(axsel.array) if axsel.order() > 0 else max(axsel.array)
ValueError("Unexpected axis type %s" % type(sel[i]))
if axsel.order() < 0:
value[i] += 1
return cls(value)
[docs] @classmethod
def from_dim(cls, dim: int):
return cls(np.zeros(dim, dtype=np.intp))
def __init__(self, value: np.ndarray):
self.dim = len(value)
assert value.dtype == np.intp
self.value = value
def __repr__(self):
return str(self.value.tolist())
def __add__(self, other):
return self.bop(other, "add")
__radd__ = __add__
def __sub__(self, other):
return self.bop(other, "sub")
def __rsub__(self, other):
return self.bop(other, "rsub")
[docs] def bop(self, other, bop):
if isinstance(other, Position):
assert self.dim == other.dim
result = Position.from_dim(self.dim)
if bop == "add":
result.value = self.value + other.value
elif bop == "sub":
result.value = self.value - other.value
elif bop == "rsub":
result.value = other.value - self.value
return result
elif isinstance(other, BasicSelection):
if bop == "sub":
# This is not allowed for selections.
# The new subscript bounds are unclear in this case.
raise ValueError("Cannot subtract BasicSelection from Position.")
elif bop not in ("add", "rsub"):
raise ValueError("Unsupported op encountered %s" % bop)
assert self.dim == len(other.shape)
# TODO (hme): Test shape addition / subtraction under various circumstances.
# This should work okay, but does it work because of prior assumptions
# on AxisSelection types? This is okay, but we should answer this
# question.
shape: list = list(other.shape)
sel: list = list(other.selector())
for i in range(self.dim):
if isinstance(sel[i], slice):
if bop == "add":
sel[i] = slice(
sel[i].start + self.value[i],
sel[i].stop + self.value[i],
shape[i] += self.value[i]
elif bop == "rsub":
shape[i] -= self.value[i]
sel[i] = slice(
sel[i].start - self.value[i],
sel[i].stop - self.value[i],
elif array_utils.is_index_subscript(sel[i]):
if bop == "add":
sel[i] = sel[i] + self.value[i]
elif bop == "rsub":
sel[i] = sel[i] - self.value[i]
elif isinstance(sel[i], np.ndarray):
if bop == "add":
sel[i] = sel[i].copy() + self.value[i]
elif bop == "rsub":
sel[i] = sel[i].copy() - self.value[i]
raise ValueError(
"Unsupported instance encountered %s" % type(sel[i])
shape: tuple = tuple(shape)
sel: tuple = tuple(sel)
return BasicSelection.from_subscript(shape, sel)